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key stage 2
make art from science
~ sound: seen as well as heard ~
Pupils conduct fascinating science experiments on scientific apparatus and explore the incredible patterns created with sound vibrations
They discover how the effects of sound vibrations can be seen in various materials including soap bubbles, water and sand
Pupils can create their own images with the patterns of sound
cross curricular
The tasks and activities are linked to Key Stage 2 science and art programmes of study
creating sound prints 1
~ capturing sound waves in sand ~
creating visible sound waves
sound waves - sand on paper
creating sound prints 2
~ voice pictures - singing pigment into patterns ~
sound in a bubble
~ using sound to change the form of soap bubbles ~
watch BOM Summer Camp students vibrating soap bubbles
sound in water
~ creating sound patterns in water ~
Pendulum painting
~ sound vibrations slowed down ~
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